Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The mechanics of sexual intercourse of human beings

Sigmund Freud – the father of modern psychology, causing such a confusion among sexologists, more than a century with his writings about human sexuality, near the end of his life admitted: "If you want to know more about femininity (female sexuality), you must interrogate your own experience, or turn to the poets, or wait until science can give you more profound and more coherent information."
If you ask an experienced sex specialist about the nature (mechanics) of sexual intercourse the conventional answer is: unclear and tricky. "Clitoral versus vaginal orgasm", "G-spot", the interpretation of female orgasm as "by-product", or the clitoris as "undeveloped penis", sucking vaginal "secrets", "simultaneous orgasm" as "accidental coincidence", "squeeze technique", "circumcision" etc., this is a small part of questions arising in an area where almost everything is disputable.
In the following article, I do not offer hypothesis. I purely and simply elucidate all above mentioned topics by coming out with an entire solution of the question concerning both male and female sexuality (intercourse) providing a substantial part of this "profound and coherent information" S. Freud is talking about.
As one could see reading the text the key to the riddle still hovering above the sexual intercourse lays not in such fabrications as “G spot” or “clitoral versus vaginal” orgasm, but in the relations between eternal vitality and rationality of human beings. The results have also a practical value. For example, if a man is concerned about the size of his penis or a woman about the availability of her "G-spot" the answers could be found in the article. My discoveries make as well pointless the long-lasting debate about the circumcision. The cutting of prepuce means destroying an essential part of a special mechanism Nature has created. If the producers of condoms read the paper they shall immediately stop to manufacture ribbed and especially dotted (studded) condoms because the GENUINE PLEASURE (there is reasons for such a notion as genuine pleasure) experienced by both (male and female) during intercourse is not a result due to the friction between their genitals. I hope you shall agree with me that the rubbing is a very rude and primitive practice. The matters are more delicate, I should say sophisticated. Never forget, the talking is about the mechanism by which take place the reproduction of the most-clever creature on our planet.


In the course of human history there is hardly another topic that has stirred more contradictory debates than the one concerning the nature of sexual intercourse. The astonishing in this case is that we are discussing something, practiced for hundreds of thousands or maybe millions of years by billions of human beings and still a mystery continue to hover above it.
Actually, this is a very simple act and we have to acknowledge it, a very successful one indeed (if not, we would hardly exist), whose main purpose is to override our rational core in order to successfully reproduce. To this end Nature has created a special mechanism that eliminates the intellectual power of human beings and makes survival possible, by putting the scientist and the ignorant on the same level.

Psychophysiology of coitus

In order to understand the anatomy and physiology of the coitus, we should first understand its psychophysiology. Let us try and answer a seemingly very simple (rhetorical) question: what is the main purpose of the sexual intercourse? The shortest answer sounds like this: the main purpose of the sexual intercourse is the sperm from the male testicles to be transferred to the female ovaries (more exactly fallopian tube), where eventually fertilization will occur. In order for this to happen according to “God’s Holy Law”, both the male and the female have to be joined (to copulate). At first glance there is nothing extraordinary, but only at first glance. The fact that human beings are rational, and their nature is to be selfish in the first place, excludes the possibility of self-sacrifice, which the process of reproduction actually is, therefore Nature has created the feeling of extraordinary pleasure in order to make them do it.
Despite the fact, that the pleasure is supposed to be there for both of them, the temptation is for the male, because he is the one, who has to penetrate the female and ejaculate. This is the reason why he is the pro-active part. In this case, we should ask ourselves what is that particular thing in a female that has such power of attraction for a male and in the end becomes a natural compensation (recompense) for his heroic efforts to fertilize her.
The theories so far are examining the female genitals as something close to a tube, where the male is putting his penis and rubs it, until he ejaculates. Is this true indeed? In my opinion the statements about the imperfect female vulva sounds very untenable, not to say ridiculous, because it is part of the very same mechanism that is used for reproduction of one of the most sophisticated creatures on Earth, and it would be absurd to accept, that Nature would make a mistake just there. It is true, that when the female is not aroused, her vagina is more or less a harmless, I would say even impersonal intestine. But also the male penis, when not aroused is nothing more than a tip without any particular value.
In their works, Masters & Johnson explain, that one of the prerequisites for reaching orgasm is the so-called process of vasocongestion i.e., the blood influx to the genitals, without giving any reasoning. And the reason is as follows: when the genitals harden (swell), two important processes occur. First, they acquire a certain configuration (shape), which is at the core of the generating impulses, necessary to reach the state of orgasm. The significant here is that this configuration is achieved only if the genitals are really hardened (swollen). Even the slightest relaxation leads to the elimination of the latter.
Second, both male and female erotogenic receptors are activated, but this activation is not for granted, as well as the configuration, it is directly dependent on the hardening (swelling) of the genitals. (Things are similar to the eardrum. When it is stretched enough, it is capable of catching the weakest sounds, but if it is relaxed - partial or full deafness occurs).
As for the deactivation, keeping in mind that the erotogenic receptors (nerves) do not disappear, it is not absolute. Even relaxed, the genitals retain some, although minimum erotogenic sensitivity, which means, that after continuous stimulation (for example squeezing and releasing the glans penis, respectively the glans clitoris) it would be possible for an orgasm to follow, even though it would be very feeble. The so-called “squeeze technique” is based particularly on the ability of the erotogenic receptors to be activated and deactivated. When squeezing, the blood from the swelling glans is pumped out, as a result the tension is reduced immediately, thus blocking the generation of strong nerve impulses.

The potentialities of “orgasmic platform”

In order to be understood correctly, I will demonstrate a simplified model of the “orgasmic platform”. (At this stage and subsequently I will use the phrase “orgasmic platform” for the system of erectile tissues (corpora cavernosa, corpus spongiosum), that build up both male and female genitals, which have very similar features at the time when they are relaxed, as well as when excited). Let us imagine the “orgasmic platform”, as a rubber ball, which has a lot of small holes on the surface. On those holes, we have glued very thin (fine) membranes from let’s say a condom. In this particular case, the membranes will represent the erotogenic receptors. When the ball is deflated, the membranes on the holes are relaxed, even somewhat wrinkled. Every attempt for them to be moved by pressing the soft (relaxed) surface fails, because of the existing gaps. But if we inflate the ball to such an extent, that it gains its normal spherical shape, we will be able to see, that the membranes are strained, because they are made of a finer matter. They even bulge out a little, meaning they are activated.
Now let us make a couple of experiments. We press the inflated ball with our index finger, an action that forces all the membranes to react (bulge out) simultaneously. We choose another spot and press again. And again, the membranes react simultaneously.
Since the impulse has isotropic capability (meaning it can spread out in all directions with the same force), regardless of the spot where it was generated, it reaches all the membranes. This explains why humans experience pleasure as a result of pressing the perineum as well as other parts of the “orgasmic platform” for which all experts agree that do not possess specific erotogenic enervation.
For our second experiment, we will try applying different force for the impact. First, we touch very gently the surface of the ball. The membranes don’t appear to respond visibly. We then increase pressure gradually. The membranes start bulging out a little. We continue to increase pressure. The membranes bulge out even more.
In the second case the membranes not only react simultaneously, but according to the exerted pressure. The “orgasmic platform”, just like the ball itself is a closed system, where in order to generate and transmit an impulse to a maximum extent, it is necessary to create tension (pressure). Otherwise the gaps absorb part of the energy of the impulse and create the feeling of impotence, meaning that the direct contact is lost.

Anatomy and physiology of the coitus

Before we start, I would like to state that what I'm about to describe, as male and female erotogenic stimulation during the coitus, is a mere resemblance of a very complicated, although well balanced action, whose culmination – “the simultaneous orgasm” transforms it into a kind of apotheosis of the eternal vitality of human beings.
As we try to become aware of and to fully comprehend the nature of the sexual intercourse, we should always regard the organs which make it in a unity, as a whole, even more so, fully aroused i.e., hardened (swollen) to the maximum extend. Otherwise, there's always the danger of falling for the extremes and saying things that are not only wrong, but if applied, could have a very negative, if not harmful effect during the establishment of the sexual relations between the individuals.
Realistically, the male and the female genitals are two parts of a single mechanism (apparatus), which is capable of generating impulses in two directions: towards the male and the female sacral spinal cords.
During the penetration of the penis, the frenulum, along with the ridged band, (Fig. 1) and the penile shift skin are pulling the glans down and back. Due to this motion the glans decreases its size, thus generating tension i.e., impulse.
On the pullout of the penis, the female “orgasmic platform” clutches its sulcus, thus altering the tension level. Here we have a change in the status quo – an opportunity for direct stimulation from the vulva. (A more thorough explanation of this process can be seen further). There's even more to it – if the female chooses to willingly influence the satisfaction of the male, she can do so by using her pelvic floor mussels. Here we can mention the “famous” love artists in the Middle ages called by Arabs Kabbazah, as well as the weird writings dealing with sucking vagina “secrets” and, why not, Dr Arnold H. Kegel's theory about pelvic muscles exercises. The glans penis has two main functions. First, it acts as a kind of a buffer, which during the coitus softens the eventual collision with a “wall” e.g., cervix. This is exactly the reason why it is less enervated in a tactile manner. It also functions as a reservoir for the blood that generates impulses towards the male erotogenic centres.
The basis of female impulse generation is similar to the male – the aerodynamic form of the penis: slightly flattened, wider in the middle than near the glans or the root. This configuration (shape) is not coincidental. When the penis is inserted into the vulva, it is embraced by the labia majora, which during the intercourse continue to open and split apart, while going through the wider middle section of the penis. Unlike the male, where the frenulum pulls the glans down and back, the alteration of tension in the female is a result of changing the profile of the ring (prepuce) (Fig. 2), which is formed by the branching of the labia minora around the sulcus and the glans of the clitoris. As is well known, the labia minora is an integral part (continuation) of labia majora.
Another way of generating impulses for the female is by pressing aside the bulbs of the vestibule, again due to the aerodynamic shape of the penis (Fig. 3).
(The definition “clitoral”, or “parts of the clitoris”, used in the specialized literature for the bulbs of the vestibule, all be it correct, is quite one-sided and is hardly capable of exhausting their multi-functional nature. In the context of well organized whole, like the female “orgasmic platform” is, they perform opposing roles with a remarkable success).
The above said makes it clear, that during the coitus, the female is much more dependent on the male from anatomical point of view, than the other way around, because her pleasure or orgasm is totally dependent on the configuration i.e., the hardness, not the size of the penis. To some extent, this explains the high percentage of female vaginal “frigidity”, because in practice very few men are capable of fully hardening their penis.
However, the “responsibility” for the large percentage of coitally unsatisfied women lies both with the men and the women alike. When the genitals have not reached their limit of arousal i.e., are not fully hardened (swollen), the impulse generating mechanism does not work. Then we have a transition from total to local regime (manner) of stimulation. In this case the male is privileged, because his penis, unlike the clitoris, is in direct contact. (I would not like to dwell upon the question of the quality of the pleasure experienced in this way).
There is another opportunity for mutual stimulation, but since the process is somewhat more specific, it will be discussed at a relevant moment.

Clitoral versus vaginal orgasm

I believe, that against the background of everything so far, the phrase “clitoral versus vaginal orgasm”, sounds very unsubstantiated and in my humble opinion its use should be discontinued (invalidate).
When quoted anecdotal evidence of some women, who claim that, they experience different orgasms, depending on the way of stimulation, clitoral or vaginal, something very important is not taken into account. In order to experience “vaginal” satisfaction, (besides the harden penis) it is necessary that the woman is very aroused (swollen), a prerequisite for powerful impulse generation, which reach the clitoris directly, since it is part of the female “orgasmic platform”. (It’s hardly necessary to remind you of the example of the ball). Then what differentiation between orgasms can there be? It is only natural in this case, that the orgasm be much deeper and more overwhelming. One of the reasons is that the impulses generated during the orgasm itself as a result of contractions of the pelvic floor muscles are absorbed by the activated erotogenetic receptors to the maximum extent. Let alone the pain in the muscles and above all in the erectile tissues, which is sometimes so sharp, that it can even deaden the erotogenic sensation.
Master & Johnson claim, 1 and rightfully so, that if there is any difference due to the way a female orgasm is induced: by clitoral or “vaginal” stimulation, it all boils down to its intensity, which is one of its basics characteristics.
The above said in itself is true, yet the matters are not so simple. With the next few sentences I should try to elucidate partially the differences in the erotogenic sensations caused by the “vaginal” or direct clitoral stimulation. As principle the following also is true for the man.
A fairly lager release of prolactin (more than 400%), the hormone which represses (counters) dopamine and prolongs the refractory period, thus making the partners feel more satiated after sexual intercourse in contrast to masturbation could be explained by the way the “orgasmic platforms” (both male and female) are built up and their (inter)action (together and separately), which gives me the reason to introduce on physiological level the notions coital and masturbational stereotypes. Since the process is more specific and requires particular treatment it will be discussed in another article.
Without purposefully intending it, I realize, that these thoughts of mine are belated apologia of the Dr Sigmund Freud's theory, however not on both types of orgasm which are wrong interpretations of his devoted followers, rather on the supremacy (maturity) of “vaginal” reaction over the clitoral one. If Freud knew the technicalities of the matter, he would have defended his belief with only a few sentences and would not have drowned in the ocean of words he created himself.

The unity of opposites

Regardless of the fact, that both female and male genitals have the same embryonic origins, they are given different tasks, hence different shapes, depending of the functions they have to perform. For example, male constrictor muscles contract in order to ejaculate (propel) sperm, and its female counterpart makes the bulbs of vestibule pulsate, in order to cause and stimulate male orgasm.
Since these pulsations could hardly be fully assimilated by the pressure-sensitive penis sulcus, due to the short-lived impact caused by its movements, even less so by its hard body, in order to complete this lack of correspondence, Nature has elaborated the so-called “G spot”, although I tend to accept the term “G crest”, because in this case, it's really not a spot, but a crest (bulge), that appears after the arousal of the corpus spongiosum, surrounding the female urethra (Fig. 4). This crest moves in the groove, located on the upper (dorsal) side of the penis (Fig. 5). What is specific about this groove is, that it starts from “zero level” (Fig. 5 point a) of about 1.5 cm after the glans of the penis. As it gradually goes towards the root of the penis it becomes much deeper and wider (Fig. 5 point b).
We can say, that the “G crest” is a sort of button-piston system, which combined with the groove (Fig. 6) generates impulses in two directions. When the penis penetrates deep into the vulva (Fig. 7 point a) the “G crest” not only relaxes into the above mentioned groove but, on the basis of afferent and efferent impulses pushes, thus exercising pressure on the blood in the deep dorsal vein (Fig. 5 point b) point b). And vice-versa, when the penis is pulled out, the “G crest” is pushed up (Fig.7) point a), thus changing the tension in the female “orgasmic platform”. At the same time, the vulva “clutches” the sulcus of the penis again on the basis of afferent and efferent impulses.
[When pulling in and out the penis, an impulse (afferent) is generated, which reaching the female sacral spinal cord instantly goes back towards the vulva (efferent) and causes contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, thus pushing blood, by exercising pressure (clutching) on the bulbs of the vestibule, crura of clitoris. As a result, the “G crest” is being constantly hardened (swollen) in the rhythm of the movements, thus accomplishing one of the most ultimate forms of sexual satisfaction – interactive stimulation].
(Forced by the circumstances, here I feel compelled, all be it reluctantly, to make the following rather pessimistic observation. Since most people have difficulty to reach the peak of arousal, the above scenario of interactive stimulation hardly ever works for them, meaning that mass practiced coitus by the majority of couples is, par excellence, the stereotype of masturbation – “the dormant” vulva takes up the role of a hand. This explains the abundance of alternatives (poses) related to sexual intercourse including anal, aural etc styles.)

“Simultaneous orgasm” – accidental coincidence or something more

Before going further, I will try to elucidate the multiorgasmic capacity in the females. On physiological level this is possible, because they are capable of maintaining their “orgasmic platform” (the activation of the erotogenic receptors) for a longer period of time. From a purely biological point of view, this could be explained with the possibility to provide the male with an opportunity to reach orgasm. My point being, male orgasm is a complete cycle, while the first female orgasm in the context of the intercourse – ejaculation for the purpose of conceiving, means nothing. Bearing in mind that there is some activity (movements), regardless of its duration, the vulva ought to be capable of responding to it in an adequate manner. It is not by chance that in the multiorgasnic process very often a “strange”, at the first glance, occurrence appears - instead of easing, each following orgasm becomes even more and more powerful, and the time required for its initiation is getting shorter and shorter. Of course, such a state of “deterrence” must have a limit, but we can suppose that it lasts long enough to satisfy the sexual expectancies of the male.
From the above and as is well known from the experience, it is more difficult for the female to be aroused, but also to “relax”. During the course of the coitus this is very facilitating for the faster responding male. Much like an experienced hunter, he is switching between speeding up the rhythm and even holding back the tempo according to his own mood, just enjoying the moment, while at the same time expecting the sublime moment, when the “wild animal” will jump out. He is not even thinking about the trigger – the pressing “G crest”. This is truly a sublime moment, when both partners are seemingly joined and for a brief moment, they’re turning into a united one, and by doing so, they are simulating the forthcoming conception – the merging of the spermatozoon and the ovum.
The special feature there is that the power (intensity) of the male orgasm is totally dependent on the female one. This means that in order to receive; the male has to really put a lot of effort.
This description is the principal architecture of so debated and at the same time highly disputed subject of “simultaneous orgasm”.
Obviously there is necessity of some clarifications. The phrase “simultaneous orgasm” is not precise, I would even say misleading. It goes back to the times, when it was still thought possible, by some “mysterious” ways, that the male and the female orgasms can happen at the same time, coincide. You must agree that this is an absurd statement the realization of which is pure gambling. What does this coincidence really means and is it possible in practice? After all, what is the meaning of such an arrangements? I must underscore – it is not a question of an accidental coincidence, but of a process justified from physiological, as well as biological point of view.


To override the rationality of human beings on purpose their successful reproduction, Nature has created a special mechanism. One of the main features of this mechanism is that it is not given for granted. On the one hand, it is composed of two separate parts behind which stand rational individuals. On the other hand, these parts are being built up during arousal and for better or worse, due to various reasons, they can’t reach their limit (hardening, swelling) in a very high percentage of human beings, which is the main precondition for the full-fledged coitus i.e., “simultaneous orgasm” to be performed.
Regardless of the fact, that it is individual for every human being, the formation and operation (interaction) of the parts of this mechanism is based on specific principles. Besides the enlargement and lubrication of female and the erection (hardening) of male genitlals, things that have a positive effect in establishing contact at a purely physical level, there is much more – building up of a configuration (shape) and activation of the erotogenic receptors.
From a purely practical perspective, this mechanism provides some opportunities.
Firstly, stimulation by means of liquid (blood) is finely adjustable, meaning that injury (wear out) of the genitalia as a whole is reduced to a minimum. (So beware dear colleagues when you give advice for anal and some rough forms of oral sex).
Secondly, there is a possibility not only for a local, but rather for a total (simultaneous) stimulation of erotogenic receptors regardless of their position in the “orgasmic platforms” (both male and female). In this way a real condition for changing the intensity of impact is created, and thus for interactive stimulation of male pleasure by the female. This is taking place in the phase of the plateau, but it is particularly evident (marked) during the course of the orgasm. It is precisely then, when in trying to experience the incredible pleasure, that only a contracting (clutching) vulva can give, the male is simply forced to ejaculate inside, which can be (eventually) followed by conception i.e., the creation of new life.

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